Filters And Hidden Rows
Excel rows and columns may be hidden directly. Filters make some rows invisible, allowing the user to see just the rows of interest. If a row is invisible it is either because it has been hidden or filtered out.
Previous versions of DiffEngineX could show hidden rows and columns before comparing all the spreadsheet cells. Version 2.26 of DiffEngineX makes visible previously filtered out rows along with hidden cells. The cells are made visible in temporary workbook copies. Your original workbooks are untouched.
The functionality to make hidden and filtered out cells visible is now turned on by default when using DiffEngineX from either its user-interface or from the command prompt.
When invoked from the command prompt, DiffEngineX will now color differences at the cell level without /colordifferences having to be explicitly specified.
If you make use of filters or hidden rows and columns, it is recommended that this option is kept turned on.